Flipping Nora...

Hi everyone...I've been a bit out of the crafty loop over the Summer...the garden...decorating...weekend trips away and lots of other stuff has taken up much of my time and there's a pile of crafty buys sitting in the cubbyhole feeling neglected and unloved but I'm back and hoping to remedy that in the coming weeks.
Big girl knickers and determination were the order of the day yesterday and woohoo I sailed through my Simon Says Stamp DT project for next week in an hour and a bit and set it aside for the glossy accents to dry.
In the meantime I decided to treat myself to a "polishing my halo" coffee break...some outdoor time visiting friends on Facebook but little did I know that the gremlins had taken up residence in my absence. Flipping Nora did I not go and spill scalding coffee all over my leg and the screen of my tablet...I swear I heard it splutter and cough before the screen went black and it shut down and wouldn't switch on again. Thankfully after some sweet talking and lots of finger crossing...I'm forgiven...all seems to be OK and we're back in the land of out and about internet surfing. BUT little did I know that the day had disaster with a capital D written all over it and was about to get even more annoying...while I was dealing with the technology disaster...hubby had retrieved the mail from the hall and popped everything addressed to me in the cubbyhole slap bang on top of the glossy accent project and by the time I returned it was stuck fast with no other option than go down the "rip it apart" option...result...one very unhappy Crazy Bird with huge chunks of envelope for eyes and one even more unhappy crafter who was ready to book in for some "you couldn't make it up if you tried" therapy. But hey nobody died...these things happen...time to grit my teeth and make that ill fated "pride comes before a fall" project all over again.
But silly me forgot the old adage that accidents seem to happen in threes...one rather exuberant lunchtime game of football in the garden with the Furry Boy resulted in one broken beyond repair plant pot or you could say...a spectacular own goal.
it's best foot forward for the cubbyhole crew today..."onwards and upwards...we can do this...lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place"...will be the theme of this morning's team brief. Let's hope the gremlins get the message and hightail it off somewhere else.
Catch you all later
Hugs Kath xxx

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