Things that go bump in the night...

Hi's Friday...the end of another week and hey can you credit it...the last day of September already. It's a scary thought that tomorrow will be October and that Christmas is only 12 weeks away...87 days to be precise. Summer is definitely over...the weather has turned chilly and for the last two days and nights it's being blowing a severe hooley's hard to get a good night's sleep when you have visions of waking up staring at the sky and wondering where the roof has gone. And while we're on the subject of scary...I was rudely awakened at pitch dark o'clock last night by a noise and the Furry Boy had heard it too...he was frantic...throwing himself on and off the bed like a whirling dervish...standing at the bedroom door growling with teeth bared...he's never ever done this before so time to pull on my big girl knickers and go investigate the things that go bump in the night...spooky goings on or worse case scenario...burglars...
Accompanied by my "sending shivers down my spine" still growling companion which didn't exactly settle my nerves I gingerly made my way through the kitchen to check the back door...nothing untoward there...through to our little den...the patio doors are safely locked but hold on a second...the outdoor security lights are on...crikey any minute now I was expecting to come face to face with a prowler but then I spotted the metal clothes pole lying against the patio doors...obviously it had blown across the garden and hit the glass with a bang...the "scared the living daylights out of the resident guard dog and his Mum" mystery is solved and I will admit I wasn't exactly happy about venturing out into the cold dark wind whistling night to put it somewhere safe...that hairs standing up on the back of your neck/waiting for a hand on your shoulder kind of feeling and where was my personal furry bodyguard in the meantime...having decided there was no intruder to sink his teeth into...he was back in bed and snoring his head off. Imagination is a wonderful thing but can play tricks with your mind...I'm blaming my current obsession with all things Halloween.
But today's a new day and there's nothing likely to cause nightmares about today's task...
a hot date with a pile of step-by-steps...
 and a big roll of bubble wrap
Have a great weekend and I'll see you all on Monday for a brand new challenge over at Simon Says Stamp.
Hugs Kath xxx

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