Julie, Kian and Robert
Thanks to Valerie, Jeanette and Donna for looking after me on Saturday while I was demoing lots of Trimcraft Christmas ranges at the Art and Hobby Shop, Drogheda on Saturday and to all who came along through the day. I was hoping that Julie would bring along the two boys so was delighted to meet little 5 week old Kian for the first time :). Don't the boys (big brother, Robert too) look so cute!!
It was another of those days when there was a real mix of craft expertise - always so good to have a couple of complete beginners among the more experienced crafters as it does no harm to go back to basics for a while too.
Just a couple of photos below of some of the ladies who came along - I was so happy to see everyone, but just didn't think to take photos earlier as I was engrossed.
Catherine, Helen and Corina
Alison and Christine (sorry it's just the back of your heads :( )
Jeanette and Donna