the weather on Christmas Day was weird...a mild and balmy 15 don't expect to be sitting on the back door step drinking coffee while the oven works it's magic on the roasties and then albeit a little bit late for a White Christmas...the Furry Boy and his Mum were getting suited and booted for our Boxing Day "walking in a winter wonderland" morning stroll...
But 2 days of feasting have taken their toll...I'm suffering from that old familiar beached whale syndrome and really should be heading back to the cubbyhole for a bit of a crafty workout...away from the temptation of the sweetie far I've managed to resist but we all know it won't be long before I'm overcome by that "go on...just have one" feeling and my fate will be sealed. And if I don't want the "already bursting at the seams" midriff bulge to grow any bigger...I need to squirrel them away in a safe "out of sight...out of mind" place...the challenge is remembering where the safe place is...the very same place where things mysteriously disappear never to be seen again.
Wish me luck
Hugs Kath xxx