A guid new year to ane an' a'
An' mony may ye see
An' during a' the years to come
O happy may ye be
An' may ye ne'er hae cause to mourn
To sigh or shed a tear
To ane and' a' baith great an' sma'
A hearty Guid New Year
2016 certainly was an unforgettable year....we celebrated the Queen's 90th birthday and our success at the Olympics...were stunned by the loss of so many of our favourite personalities and the innocent lives taken in unbelieveably evil terrorist acts and then there was Brexit...a vote that divided our nation.
I find myself despairing of the world we live in on a daily basis...overwhelmed by feelings of helplessness and disbelief at man's inhumanity and I have to keep reminding myself that for every evil person on the planet...there are thousands of ordinary people doing good things to make the lives of people less fortunate than themselves better. Individually we cannot end wars or wipe out injustice and cruelty but if each and everyone of us shared a little love/kindness and respect for each other...maybe ONE DAY...we will make a difference and leave the world a better place for future generations.
Most of us are fortunate to be looking forward to a new year in the comfort of warm homes with no concerns as to where our next meal is coming from and I was truly shocked and struggling to understand why Aberdeen...one of the most affluent cities in the UK despite the current economic challenges...has so many people in need of support. It is very humbling to see the sterling work carried out by Aberdeen Community Food North East and to realise how bad homeless issues have become in the city...a heartbreaking message for us all that this is happening in the 21st century all over the UK.
A reminder that I have lots to be thankful for...2016 holds wonderful memories of fun times spent with family and friends...exciting crafty adventures with my bestest crafting buddies...fabulous crafting opportunities...being part of such a wonderful crafting community...loving what I do and doing what I love and God willing this "heading down the slippery slope of old age" crafter is looking forward to doing it all again in 2017 with my adorable Furry Wingman by my side...
Here's to love and special friendships
good health...happiness and peace
and the best of wishes to you all for 2017
As for New Year resolutions...I'm not even going there considering I've already failed miserably at keeping away from the sweetie mountain. I'll be back tomorrow with my first DT project of the New Year for the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge...until then...
Big Hugs and Lots of Love from The Furry Boy and His Mum