Merry Christmas Everyone...

Hi folks...woohoo it's Christmas Eve...just one more sleep before the festivities kick off.  Thankfully I made it though the picking up last minute bits and pieces expedition to my local M&S yesterday but only was MANIC...the world and his wife turned out in force and by the look of their trolleys they are either feeding the five thousand or haven't cottoned on to the fact that the shops are only closed for 2 days and don't get me started on the selfish inconsiderate parking. But if I've forgotten anything...I ain't planning on a return visit...instead I'm looking forward to a chill out in my jammies day snuggled up with my "with me every step of the way" Furry Wingman...he's been on the guarding the oven door/licking the floor clean/ taste testing kitchen shift for the last week and he will definitely be getting his share of the turkey tomorrow. We'll probably be climbing the wooden hill to Bedfordshire early tonight and just like everyone else on the planet...excitedly waiting for Santa to arrive....
 So we would like to wish you all a very

and a big thank you to all my lovely teamies and crafty friends for the beautiful cards and good wishes and to all the lovely folks who have popped by my blog this year and left comments...we truly appreciate you taking the time to visit. We hope you all have a wonderful happy and fun festive celebration with those you love and that all your Christmas dreams come true.
If you're out and about over Christmas...take care and travel's blowing an almighty hooley out there and poor Santa's in for a bumpy ride tonight.
Lots Of Love & Christmas Hugs 
From Kath & Buddy

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