We took he day off a couple of weeks ago as it was David's birthday and finally made it to the Titanic Centre in Belfast!I meet people every couple of weeks from all over Ireland and beyond who have all visited this centre and were amazed that I'd never been, even though It's only about 15 minutes from home. As many of you know, David and I were working together in Belfast for quite a bit of the time when the centre was being built and passed the site twice a day. I used to say that I'd be in there as soon as it opened! Then, it was just so busy that we thought we'd wait till the crowds died down - well, that's almost 5 years ago and we only made it this month!!
When it got the award for being the world's best tourist attraction earlier this month we decided we;d go for David's birthday :) We had a lovely day :)
The photo above shows the cranes of Harland and Wolff (and for the crafters among you - that's the Titanic Exhibition Centre to the left, where the craft shows, among other things, are now held)
With the birthday boy :)
Andrew -who treated us to a lovely turkey dinner before the Titanic tour :)
There's just so much history (including so much of the history of Belfast which is so relevant to my family) captured inside this building that it's difficult to take it in in one day - that's why it was dark when we came out! Now we'll definitely have to go back to have a second helping. My photos do not in any way do this place justice.
When we lwft the Titanic building we also had a tour of the Nomadic which is docked on the Lagan.
The Nomadic