The straps on this carrier cross in the back and button in the front. I added a second set of buttons 3" lower, so that when she grows, she'll still be able to use this carrier. I even tested it out on her almost five year old brother, just to make sure.
I added a pocket to the front of the carrier and tucked a 3" piece of black and white checked ribbon tag at the top, right side of the pocket.
I attached the bottom straps to the main straps with Velcro since this product needed to be very child friendly.
These carriers even work great for stuffed animals. Here's this cute little granddaughter watching the Presidential Inauguration with her dad the day after the rest of the nation saw it. Her amazing father (my son-in-law) is part of the U.S. Air Force and this cute family of theirs is stationed halfway around the world in Japan. That meant the actual inauguration aired in the middle of the night there. I'm so grateful for people like him, who willingly serve.
Back to the topic at hand... Do you have a child who loves dolls or stuffed animals? If they're trying to mimic their mom's who use baby carriers for their younger siblings, this might be a good 45 minute investment. xoxo Grandma