"AG sent a free outfit to make Truly Me a GOTY. This concerns me somehow as I feel it takes away from the GOTY as presented to the public on January 1. Don't get me wrong, I think both dolls are gorgeous, but I wish the GOTY was unique as the other GOTYs had been." ~ Madelon
I agree with Madelon 100%, while Gabriela is a beautiful doll. However I feel like American Girl had a chance to do something even more special with this years doll and unfortunately missed hitting the mark on making it feel truly special. I do appreciate that they sent the meet outfit to those who purchased this years doll as a truly me, but I am dumbfounded as to what looks like careless planning on the part of a company that used to have so much attention to detail. I purchased Gabriela here in Canada at our local American Girl Store and paid $160.00 for her, I love the doll but I am disappointed in her box and lack of neck string. I would love to hear what you think.
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