with the glass tiles I discovered during the post Christmas Crafty Clutter clear-out left over from a workshop many moons ago and when you're a copious coffee drinker like me...you can never have too many coasters. I wasn't entirely confident it would work but hey nothing ventured...nothing gained and if it was a complete disaster...you need never know.
So I started off by sticking the frames to the back side of Self Adhesive Cork Sheets...
I really had no idea how it was going to progress from here...with such a small surface to work on and the fact that lots of layers was out of the question...we retreated to our little den to mull over the problem...many cuppas and much munching later...Dina Wakley's Scribbly Birds flew into the cubbyhole.
I coloured the panels with Distress Inks...a little bit of stamping...stencilling and paint splattering...
cut the birds out...fixed them down with Distress Collage Medium Matte...added Small Talk Stickers and popped them back into the frames...
and yes I did fix that wonky sticker before cutting them out and attaching to the glass tiles with Glossy Accents. And just when I was congratulating myself on 6 new cool coasters...
the Friday Girls arrived for coffee...snaffled 2 each and now I have none. With arctic conditions and lots of snow forecast for the next few days...I have a feeling the cubbyhole crew will be battening down the hatches and hunkering down in our crafty space and I have the perfect job to keep us busy...
but I have a sneaky feeling another tag storage book will be added to the list of jobs to do...not complaining...just saying.
but I have a sneaky feeling another tag storage book will be added to the list of jobs to do...not complaining...just saying.
Hugs Kath xxx