On your feet all day and the constant chatting do take their toll but it can hardly be considered work when all you're doing basically is meeting lots of lovely people...playing all day with fabulous products alongside the best team ever...the most wonderful caring funny and fun people to hang out with.
The lovely Keren did an AMAZING job showcasing the new Fabric Circle Cutter...
while I spent my time trying to stop our adorable UK Account Manager Steve from completely taking over my punch work station...
Ta...da...well done Steve...definitely one for the Fiskars Wall Of Fame...I fear I may be out of a job...
The stand was so busy that I never found time to walk the show and suss out what's new in our crafty world...I did however manage to catch up with a few old friends...the ones who are most likely to lead me astray given the chance...the gorgeous Marion...Sharon and Paula...
and it was wonderful to finally meet the lovely Els from Elizabeth Craft Designs
I did manage to grab a quick catch up with my favourite crafty people...you all know who you are and I have to say a huge thank you to two of my bestest buddies... Enfys for her "we couldn't have done it without you" help with set up and breakdown and to Anne for this AMAZING stunning "Eileen Hull Sewing Box" gift...
to Diane from the Fiskarettes Design Team for this super cute pin cushion and yummy Dark Chocolate.
and not forgetting Fiskars...for my gorgeous new scissors...
Hugs Kath xxx