Hey guys! It's Monday and for today's post I wanted to take you along with me to a FroYo shop. I thought it would be fun to change up from what I usually do. Yesterday I went to this cute Italian FroYo shop called Yogurtladia. Let me know in the comments if you would like to see more posts like this. So without further adieu...Let's get into it!
When you walk in there is a cute set up of all the toppings,fruit,and syrups.
So first I ordered a small yorgurt.
Then they got my order ready. I ordered a vanilla and they used the machine to fill up the cup.
I also had the option of putting fruit in the bottom of the cup but I decided to do no fruit. But I would recommend fruit in the bottom!
Then I had them put nutella sauce on top of the yogurt. My favorite sauces are dark chocolate and nutella.
Then they added as many toppings I wanted. Also a great thing about this place is that you can get unlimited toppings.
Then I went and sat down at one of their cute side tables.
And this is what my FroYo looked like! I love it! <3
And then it was time to go. I will be definitely coming back here soon! :)
(this post was not sponsored)