DIY Re-Made Chapstick

Hey guys! It's Monday! I'm so sorry that I didn't post last week I was just super busy. 
But for today's post I am going to show you how you can take an old EOS(chapstick) and turn it in to a new colorful EOS! If you don't know what an EOS is, it is a chapstick that comes in these cute containers sold by the EOS company. I love EOS but it never has any color to it, so...I thought that I could DIY it into a colorful EOS using CRAYONS!! (This is not my original idea, there are many video's on Youtube and on the internet showing how to make this but I thought I would try it out for myself) So with out further ado...Let's get started!

So first you are going to need to gather your supplies: An old EOS, coconut oil, a crayon, a spoon, a knife, and a double boiler or microwave.

First take apart your EOS container. But save your old chapstick and place it in a bowl. I used a knife to carefully take it apart. BUT PLEASE HAVE ADULT SUPERVISION WHEN DOING THIS.  

Place your coconut oil and crayon (color of your choice) in a bowl with your chapstick.

Over a double boiler (or in your microwave) melt all the ingredients down until you have a smooth consistency.

Place the middle piece on top of the top piece and screw it in.
Then fill that half with your liquid. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes. 

Once you take it out of the freezer unscrew it from the top piece and snap it back on to the bottom piece. And there you have it! It's done!

YAY I finished my new EOS and I love it!! I love the color I chose and now it actually shows up on your lips while keeping them from getting chapped. I am going to show some before and after pictures on the EOS at the very end of this post. Have a great day and I'll see you on Monday! -Bloggergirl

(this post was not sponsored)

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