Demolition Derby Weekend...

Hi Easter weekend turned into a surprise Demolition Derby and I've been so busy I haven't even had time to dive in my Easter chocolate stash yet...all because for some time I've had an itch and Saturday/Sunday seemed like the right time to scratch it. The cubbyhole is closed from tomorrow until Monday next week because I'm off on a little trip...perfect timing to make a start on the long overdue crafty space ideal opportunity while Mrs Bossy Knickers is absent for hubby to step in and strip off the old wallpaper so that the nice man with big bucket of plaster can come and work his magic followed by the hunky joiners to lay the new wooden flooring...
and for any major renovation project...the room needs to be empty but where oh where was I going to put all the stuff. Two of the units have been re-housed in the little storage room at the back of the garage and believe me...that was a job and half...emptying them through 3 doorways and refilling them again...
and likewise with the row of bookcases...
which have fitted snugly in to the kitchen after a bit of jiggling around of furniture...
my rule of no crafty stuff outside the cubbyhole has just flown out of the window...the only room in the house that has escaped the craft invasion is the LOO...all that's left in the cubbyhole is my postage stamp "bang in the middle of the floor" workdesk and crafting essentials...
and after that major clearance frenzy...the plasterer called yesterday to say he has torn tendons in his arm and won't be putting in an appearance for 2 weeks so I've also had to delay Hunky Joiners...yes it's that old Project Manager jinx thing again but hey goes on and although it's not ideal...the cubbyhole production line will continue even though I'll be running hither and thither all over the house for supplies...a bit of a pain when you're used to having everything at your fingertips but you know what they say NO PAIN...NO GAIN and the only one not stressed by the situation is this "takes everything in his stride" laid back dude...
I'm booked in for a much needed pamper today to get the old body mobile again ready for my fun trip away with my buddy Enfys tomorrow...somehow I don't think she would be impressed if we have to hire a wheelchair and she's the one doing the pushing.
Toodle-oo for now
Hugs Kath xxx

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