Tip 1: Use highlighters to highlight your definitions to help you study. You can also color coordinate each color.
Tip 2: Label your folders. To keep your notes organized label your folders so that it will be easier to get to your notes.
Tip 3: Sticky notes! I love sticky notes because they are great reminders when you have a test coming up and you need to get ready for it. So you will never be unprepared when a test comes up.
Tip 4: I know this one is pretty basic but using flash cards can help you study and help you learn faster. So this one is a must! :)
Tip 5: Listening to music when your studying can help you concentrate and help block out other sounds. If you get easily distracted then I would suggest listening to classical music with no lyrics.
And that is the end of this post! I hope you guys found at least one of these tips helpful. And if you have any requests for future posts let me know by leaving a comment down below. Have a great day and I'll see you on Monday! -BloggerGirl