One Super Cool Panda...

Hi folks...can you believe it's the last day of May already...5 months of the year gone and the weather in my neck of the woods has returned to it's rather unpredictable self...I don't want to sound pessimistic but can't help feeling Summer is going to be a repeat of last year...3 or 4 days of sunshine in May and the odd blink here and there. But every cloud has a silver lining and on cloudy drizzly days...the cubbyhole production line beckons.
I'm sharing another card made with the Cool Panda stamp set from Simon Says Stamp Cherished Release...I'm smitten with this little guy and the addition of a hat and tie have turned him into a cheeky gangster "Al Capone look-a-like" panda...don't you think...

In the meantime...things are moving on with the cubbyhole renovation and we're halfway through the door installation marathon...
and the ink pad storage has had a co-ordinating coat of paint...ready to sit on it's shelf once the painting crew tick that particular task off their list...
I know I'm going to love it when it's all done and dusted but the TA-DA BIG REVEAL blog post seems a million miles away and yesterday was a despairing "who's bright idea was this-not enough hours-can't see the finish line" meltdown kind of a day so I'm taking time-out and playing truant to meet up with my lovely buddy Lynne who's on holiday in my neck of the woods...lunch and a good old catching up chin wag is guaranteed to get me back on track and ready for some fun playtime with the gorgeous June Card Kit from Simon Says Stamp...
Toodle-oo for now
Hugs Kath xxx

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