and as per usual I ended up with a coat of perfect splatters all over my clothes and my hair...
but before I headed for the shower and bed...I couldn't resist a test patch of the new cubbyhole colour...Chic Shadow from Dulux which on reflection wasn't a great idea because I spent a restless night thinking it was going to be too dark...
but as luck would have's perfect...just the colour I had imagined...a lovely soft charcoal grey which will compliment the white units and wood effect workshops...don't you just love when a plan comes together...
and just as I finished the first coat of my new "One Shade of Grey/49 To Go" Cubbyhole...two of my favourite crafty chums paid a surprise visit with cake...
there is no better way to end a busy day than coffee cake and spending time with special friends..
Today I'll be back on the crafty production line...temporary located in the finish off my DT project for Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge...with my crafty stash strewn hither and thither throughout the house and turned out to be one those "grab whatever you can find" flying by the seat of my pants projects and the sentiment says it all...
Have a great weekend everyone whatever you have planned and I'll see you all on Monday.
Toodle-oo for now
Hugs Kath xxx