As, I lay here typing this, I hear Natty from the baby monitor singing to her favorite dolly, Emmy, the Finger Family Song. The first half of the week I had it going on, we were hitting up the parks each day, Natty has been walking her baby in her doll stroller, while I push Lauren in the double stroller. Natalie has been great beyond expectations, for a newly two-year-old, her conversation and understanding is fantastic, I equate that to positive parenting, great sibling role models, a TON of reading, and dramatic play. The best part of this week is when we went out for an evening walk with the family.
There were some other friends at the park walking their little ones. As we are talking and jostling our babies in those baby pack holders, they mentioned, "oohh, Natalie, it looks like you have your baby too." Doesn't Natalie swing Emmy and the stroller around so everyone can oohh and aaahhh all over her, much like I do with Lauren. It was beyond funny. She was a proud momma for sure.
Find out more about the work that Jenny does in her Etsy shop Rita Pita Boutique by clicking here.
Thank you Jenny, we hope you are feeling better soon and thank you for sharing your Mommy Monday Moment with us here today. We would love to hear from all of you so please leave us a comment here or email us at