Doll eyes can actually get ruined when exposed to too much water and will change the color and overall appearance. This has made me more aware of where I place Kate's doll, when she is not "working." On a parenting side note, we have been working with potty training Natalie. Incorporating the doll her is a great idea. Started out fantastic, sat right down, went potty, slapped her undies on and within the hour she peed four times. Once in the foyer, once on the stairs, once in the kitchen, and in the garden. Mine you, we placed her on the potty every fifteen minutes. On another parenting side note, Kaitlyn is having a huge friend/ bonfire/ game party tonight. One of her friends are going to spend the night, now Kate is entering the 6th grade and will play periodically with her dolls, but not where she pulls everything out. Does anyone else see this? Where the play is more focused on the dressing and brushing opposed to "house" play. I would have literally hurt someone to have the setup she has, and I make her anything she wants, then it saddens me when she doesn't play with it? Thank goodness I have two more small girls coming up.
I am excited for the new piece I will start crafting today for my shop. I am going to make a sewing/ craft table for a doll. I can't wait to put it together. Also, I just finished a huge custom project that has been in the works for over a month, with 50 joint emails back and forth, I am glad I am putting it to a close. It is a really neat process to see someone's vision through words only and make it come to life. Keep creating memories and special moments with your children through play and exploration...
Thank you Jenny! Learn more about Jenny and her work in her Etsy Shop the Rita Pita Boutique by clicking here.
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