I am definitely a person that loves to repurpose and give something old a new life. I enjoy going to flea markets and thrift shops and really looking at objects differently – not for what they are, but what they could be. For a custom order this week a customer wanted a dress form for her 18” doll to go along with a Civil War Era sewing station I was making for her. Now I could have hopped on ebay and picked one up for 15$, but I decided I could, too, make one on my own. So, I tackled that and a microphone stand and equipment set I am making for a person’s Tenney Doll. I’ll share those pictures next week, as I am still processing how to make the actual microphone.
Natalie, as of lately, has been into motorcycles. She gets so excited when someone is riding one or spots one in the parking lot. She also is still enjoying her dolls, but now when she plays with them she gets them undressed and reads them a book. She comes into my office and sets her dolls on the furniture that I am creating for people. Natalie is a character for sure, she is everything done of the other children are, which is wonderful and scary all at the same time.
Whenever there is anything dinosaurs museum related, in the summer, we are sure to take the kids. The Museum of Earth, in Ithaca, NY, about 2.5 hours from our home, was having an amazing exhibit on the prehistoric shark, the Heliocoptrion. We had to go! It was fantastic, Nathan really loves sharks and I don’t mean the great white, he knows sharks, all sharks and everything about them. The Heliocoptrion was one of his favorite sharks of all time, right alongside of the Tasseled Wobbegong Shark, the Frilled Shark, and of course the infamous Goblin Shark! I have learned SO much from this little guy in six short years, just amazing!
I am grateful my husband is off during the summers, as he is in education, he hears this a lot during the day, “Justin can you cut this, drill that, sand this.” Besides running a house and helping me from time to time he has had his hands in the chickens and bees. He is now up to five hives, all which have been caught by swarms, or removing hives for people. Our chickens are doing great, we ordered 6 from out of state, they are adorable. The kids can’t get enough of them. I feel like our village home is turning into a barn, as I contemplated bunnies this past week.
Stay well this week friends, continue to create, inspire, and love with everything.
Thank you Jenny for this weeks Mommy Monday Moment! You can see what Jenny has been upto in the Rita Pita Boutique by clicking here.
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