This years Holiday Barbie has a very stunning look. I love the star background and I am a sucker for the red holiday dress. I love this one!
In the take my money category, this three pack would be under my tree and on my table this holiday season. I love playsets like this one and think this would make a wonderful gift!
What is a holiday without baking? I think this is a fun set too!
Why I love this set is not just the sweet little snowman but the sled for the dolls, looks like you could get a couple of dolls on the sled! Great play value!
Top of the stocking this would go in my house if I had a little girl, might just have to ask Santa for one myself! Love the little top hat and the gingerbread inspired dress!
One of the things I do love about Barbie is that there is the affordability factor. Even if you can not pick up the collector Barbies there are always some lovely finds at very affordable prices and honestly this is the dolls I love the most. Helping put dolls in the hands of doll lovers of all economic backgrounds., making doll play affordable for everyone is really important to me.
Thank you Madelon for sharing these fun finds with us today and helping me personally feel just that much more excited for the holidays.
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