Blessedly Stressed Saturday with Jenny...

Halloween has come and gone.  More sugar has entered my house, I have consumed a lot, and I have already located all the candy stashes.  We were creative this year.  I said instead of buying five costumes for all the kids, I will make them.  Needless to say, I was finishing them up on Halloween.  Nathan decided last Halloween that he wanted to be a vending machine.  That is how we do it at our house, I don’t know about you, but we were not even walking the streets yet for candy and the kids were already deciding what they wanted to be next year.  Side note, Kate want to be Bob Ross.  Bob Ross you say??? Drawing a blank???  The painter, Bob Ross ๐Ÿ˜Š If you don’t know look him up, he basically provides you with meditation.  

๐Ÿ˜Š  Anyway, as I was saying, Nathan a vending machine, Natalie the Lorax, Kate a unicorn, Lauren a truffala tuff, and Abigail a gumball machine.  Now its over, my husband is taking down the decorations (in the dark) and we are off to Thanksgiving festivities.  He is a firm believer in not skipping over Thanksgiving.  We must celebrate it first and acknowledge before jumping right to Christmas.  I like jumping to Christmas though.  I was Christmas shopping today, a little, but I was.

Tomorrow we are off to sectionals for Abigail’s performance in Cross Country.  I am super excited to watch her race.  She has done outstanding and tomorrow should be know different.  She has devoted a lot of her time and energy into herself and her team.  I am so glad that she has made it to sectionals and made All-Stars.

When the big kids are at school I feel like I am constantly chasing babies and picking up messes.  I hear from SO many people that they worry about the mess when the kids lay down, but I don’t want to clean then, that is my time to work.  Much of my time as of lately has been devoted to my ETSY shop, with holiday orders and my non-profit.  When I get those babies to bed after lunch there is no messing around – I get right to work.  After lunch, I take Lauren upstairs, rock her, kiss her toes, sing her a song, and tuck her in.  Then Natty and I rock in her room, read three books, sing a few songs or nursery rhymes.  I love challenging myself with the second verses most people do not know.  Then Natty ALWAYS invites me to lay down with her.  I must take my glasses off first ๐Ÿ˜Š Her crib gets me 85% of the time. I fall asleep and she get plays.  Sometimes I will wake up to her poking my eye, standing on my head, or today she was pretending to wash my foot. 

I love being here, with my kids and working to impact the little corner of my world.  I am lucky.  Having a big family, with one regular income isn’t always neat, easy, or fun, but we always make it work, we always work together and the love in our house is enormous. Keep safe, keep creating, and keep making happy memories. 

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