I have stumbled onto an Etsy shop that has me so very excited! This shop has a large selection of toys from my childhood including these minis!
The shop is called Smiling Memories and they have everything this now much older kid loved growing up, and they are pretty reasonably priced!
In many ways it is hard for me to resist ordering, it is like seeing the Christmas Catalog from Sears all over again!
Also it says it only ships within Canada which makes this Canadian seriously feel the urge to shop!
This shop has some amazing finds from the 70's and 80's do check it out by clicking here.
Smiling Memories lives up to it's name and I truly was smiling when I stumbled upon this etsy shop!
Thank you for joining me here today I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
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