Unfortunately I have to cancel my demo at the Art and Hobby Shop, Jervis Street, Dublin, on Saturday (13th Jan) because we just discovered on Thursday evening that David needs major bowel surgery urgently. He will also be having several more tests and scans in the next days. This has come as a massive shock to us and I need to be with him all the way.
I've loved this gentle man to bits since we got together 35 years ago while I was still at school. He is the most loving, lovable, loyal, caring, thoughtful and selfless soul I have ever met and I have thanked God every day for the last 30 years for the privilege of being his wife. He dropped everything to be by my side and support me through my own diagnosis of breast cancer and subsequent operation and treatment two and a half years ago and I am now doing the same for him.
We'd really value your prayers for our family at this very difficult time.

I hadn't actually posted dates for the rest of my planned demos but these are now all on hold for the time being. I will be making some things when I can but in the meantime I have quite a lot of projects, cards etc already made in the last month or so, as I am supplied with products well in advance of them becoming available to retailers so I'll be posting photos of these as I get a chance.

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