Using Up The Left-Overs...

Hi folks, it's a rather apt blog post title today because I seem to have been living off the Christmas left-overs forever. I have finally cleared the fridge, feasted on the cheese mountain, devoured packet after packet of biscuits for cheese,eaten the last Mince Pie and demolished the Christmas cake all by myself...only because no-one else resident at this establishment likes fruit cake so someone has to step up and make the sacrifice. But now the cupboards are bare, this Old Mother Hubbard needs to make a trip to the shops to re-stock.
And I've been using up left-overs in the cubbyhole too. I had a few practice stamping sheets lying around from yesterday's Birds Of A Feather Art Journal Page for the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge and being a canny Scot, there was no way they were ending up in the bin. So I looked out Simon Says Stamp Wonky Rectangles Die, the Letter it Collection stamp sets which are still sitting on my workdesk and my trusty Sharpie Black Marker Pen...
 and voila, another 3 cards for the cubbyhole card box
Broken China, Cracked Pistachio and Fossilized Amber Distress Oxides
sentiment from LETTER it - Baby
 Broken China and Cracked Pistachio Distress Oxides
sentiment from LETTER it - Thank You
 Cracked Pistachio, Abandoned Coral and Fossilized Amber Distress Oxides
sentiment LETTER it - Celebrate
In the meantime, I'm working my way through what's left of the sweetie mountain...tough job but someone's gotta do it.
See you all soon
Hugs Kath xxx

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