Karen's Adventures Back To Barbie- Three ideas for your Barbie Lover this Spring Break...

This week three of my 8 nieces are going to be staying with us for a few days and I was looking for some Barbie themed activities to do and craft with them. LB is 10 and very much into knitting so I found this one on Craft Gossip to do with her. You can click here for the tutorial.
All my nieces are crafty, they get it from their aunt and we will spend some time looking at this Craft Gossip site as well. Click here for 21 Do it Yourself Furniture and Accessories from Craft Gossip.

My younger niece PB loves to put the Barbies to bed and sewing so we may try our hands at this one too! Click here for the tutorial. 
Thank you for joining us here today for our look at three things you can do with Barbie fans this Spring break!
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