Memories of Midnight...

Have you ever loved something so much and completely forgotten about it, until reminded by a smell or a photo? My birthday is this week and I remember loving my Midnight Barbie Horse more than just about anything. I played for hours with her and my western Barbie. I still remember how the horses hair felt, the sadel which was really hard to put on and how much I loved the muzzle of my horse.
I was extremely delighted to find these beautiful photos and this listing in an Etsy Shop called Polly Pocket Plus.  The horse is priced just under $40 CND and about $20 for shipping. It is very tempting especially because of how great a condition she appears to be in.
I had such a wonderful trip down memory lane with seeing this listing. While I do love that Barbie's new horse walks on it's own there is just something so magical for me in this Midnight horse. Take a look for yourself at the listing on Etsy by clicking here.
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