A Year at a Glance

Hey readers!
As you know, there are only a few days left of 2018...
Maybe you are writing out your resolutions for the new year, or maybe you're gonna wing it and hope for the best, or maybe you're scared of a new chapter might be starting in your book.
Wherever you are at with that, maybe you've got it right or wrong. I'm not so sure anymore. I always used to put everything in life into little boxes and try to keep my life as controlled and organized as possible. But now, as I get older, I am starting to see everything a bit differently than before. Why does everything have to be perfectly controlled by me? If something doesn't go how I think it will or something is different, should I really have a mental break down because I can't fix it?
In this past year, I have grown up a bit. I've gone through some tough stuff.
I have learned who I can trust and who is not a true friend. I have learned to accept the circumstances which I can not change. I have somewhat learned to accept how I look.
One important lesson I have learned is that even in negative circumstances, there is always a choice to have a positive outlook. I always used to be consumed by how others view me. I know now, to not care as much of what people think of me.
In this year, I have been sad, depressed, lonely, and hurt. But I've also felt, loved, happy, comforted, excited and every emotion possible.
I am so thankful for all the ups and downs of this year because I have grown stronger through it all. During those times I would have never realized that so much good can come out of a bad situation.
I don't know what you're going through right now, but just remember God has a bigger plan for your life, so don't waste it.
I love you all.
I hope this post helped you at least a little bit, this took a lot of courage on my part to write down my insecurities and things I struggle with. I am normally not very open about things like this, but as I said, I am learning.
Thank you all so much for coming along with me on this bumpy ride through the year.
Have an amazing rest of 2018. I'll see you next year :)

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