Things To Do This Summer

Hey readers! Welcome back :)
Today I'm going to be giving you some ideas of things to do this Summer. 
I personally love summertime because it usually clears my schedule up a bit.
But sometimes when that happens, I'm at a loss of what to do with my time. 
So that's why I'm here to help you out a bit with a list of things you can do this Summer 2019. 
I have tried each and every one of these things already so this is 100% approved by me. :)

  • Go on a Road Trip! I've already done this, this summer already. My family and I drove out of the city to a beach house with a pool and spent a week there. I would highly recommend road tripping with family, friends, or even by yourself.
  • Go to the beach (or lake). Depending on where you live in the world (because I have a wide variety of people from different countries that read this blog), I think it's important to go to a body of water this summer. It could be a beach, a lake, a pond, or even a pool if you don't have any of the above.
  • Workout or be active. Some people think you should workout/do fitness to loose weight. But when you have that mentality it is so much harder. My mentality to workout and stay active is just so I can gain strength and feel the best I possibly can, mentally and physically. Being active should not be something anyone dreads. Find something that suits you (e.g. swimming, gym workouts, different sports, running, walking..etc) and stick to it this summer. You might be too busy during the rest of the year so this might be a good time to start. Thank me later ;)
  • Hangout with friends or family. Depending on if you are an introvert or an extrovert, this idea might or might not sound enjoyable to you. But spending quality time with friends can make your summer a little bit brighter. Go get coffee with a friend or go watch a sunset with your family. Or take your dog for a walk and enjoy nature while being in the company someone else.
  • Have a cookout or a picnic. They say food brings people together right? Well, this is an awesome way to have all your friends and family together and making special memories this summer. I've gone to numerous cookouts already and I can guarantee they can be a lot of fun!
  • Have a Movie Night. Ok here is something you can do by yourself or with friends. I am seriously a night owl and I love watching movies too this is very fun for me. Set up a fun environment by using a screen of some sort to play your movie on. Make sure there are snacks and a whole lot of pillows! 
  • Go exploring! Life is so exciting when you find new places and learn new things. Take this opportunity this summer to experience that. Go out of your neighborhood and look around you and go someplace you've never been. This could be a great Road Trip idea btw (shout out to idea number one!).

Hope you guys enjoyed today's post :). If you would like to see more posts like this let me know. I have lots more that I would totally add to this list, but I think that's enough for now. 
Enjoy your summer, don't waste it! Have fun! 

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