Busy As A Bee...

Hi my friends, the weather in my neck of the woods has been glorious and it sure lifts your spirits to be able to spend time out in the fresh air, enjoying the garden, watching the chubby bumble bees going about their business as I partake of the first coffee of the day.
But I've also been a busy bee. I have lots of stuff I should be doing but I was so inspired by Tim's recent Facebook Live that I decided to have a Sunday playday, looked out my "neglected of late" Distress Spray Stains and just had fun, resulting in a pile of  backgrounds to use for future projects and very messy hands but nothing that a good scrub down in the shower didn't put to rights.

But I suspect they will remain in the backgrounds box for some time because a clutch of yummy Speckled Eggs has arrived in the cubbyhole, a big thank you to Tim, Mario and Ranger for their kindness and generosity and I can't wait to play.
 along with the cutest Distress Speckled Egg pin
I confess I was not a pin collector but guess what, I definitely am NOW and can't wait to add to my collection when the next new colour is released.
but before the inky fun can begin, my "Mrs Organised" head takes over and there's labelling and swatching to be done
and creating a Custom Blend ink pad but I may need a coffee and ponder a while on which colours to use along with the gorgeous Speckled Egg.

Here is the link for the Letter Board shown above

Have fun whatever you're doing today and I'll be back soon to share some Speckled Egg creations with you.
Hugs Kath xxx

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