The Best of Intentions...

Hi folks, I've got a confession to make. Since Christmas, and I don't know if it's anything to do with the dark and dismal weather, but I seem to be spending more time on the sofa, liking and commenting on social media than being productive in the cubbyhole so on Monday, I decided it was a new week and time for a new regime. Unfortunately Monday and Tuesday were not a cubbyhole days, household chores/food shopping/dentist and hair appointments put paid to that but I woke up yesterday with the best of intentions, planning to get back in the swing and hit the cubbyhole running. Unfortunately before I could get cracking, I had to tidy up the debris left over from the weekend and that is not the best start to anybody's day.

 But with several coffees under my belt and Mr Dyson by my side, we soon had it sorted
 and were ready to hit this week's crafty list
that is, until the postie rang the doorbell to deliver my Happy Mail DT parcel from Simon Says and the rest of the morning was spent, on the sofa, with a coffee, in the company of my Brother Labelling Machine with a few sneaky visits over to Facebook and Instagram, just to keep in touch with what was going on in craftland, you understand.
But I was back in the cubbyhole after lunch, not I hesitate to add, hitting the crafty list but back in play mode with the Distress Oxide Sprays. Would you believe me when I say, they jumped right out of the container and lined themselves up on my desk.
and time well spent I'd  say, with 6 backgrounds ready to be made into cards sometime soon. 
And last but not least, the photography session and blog write-up for my DT project for next week's (yes, 2 days earlier than usual) for Simon Says Stamp was ticked off the crafty list before we shut up shop for the day.
Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day and if you don't achieve what you set out to do today, don't beat yourself up, there's always tomorrow. On that subject, I'll be back tomorrow to share the last in the series of cards I made for the Stampers Anonymous Booth at Creativation 2019 featuring the stamp set named after my adorable Professor.
Toodle-oo for now
Hugs Kath xxx

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